How to Cite a Book

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Citing your sources is important in not only proving your point, but also in crediting the creators of the works you are referencing. If something is not properly cited within your work, that can be considered plagarism, and should never be taken lightly.

So, how do you cite a something? That depends on what sort of source you are using, but this tutorial will cover physical books since those tend to be the most common and easily accesible and citable sources students use within their work. First, grab your book. If you have a digital copy/pdf of the book, make sure it includes the page with the publishing information.

The basic format for a citation of a book on the works cited page is: Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. Publisher, Publication Date. Fill this out as best you can, though if something is completely unfindable, it may be skipped. When citing within the text, use the format (Last Name Page #). Resources such as the Purdue Online Writing Lab contain more detailed information on citing both books and another sources if you are curious/need more help.